
Showing posts from November, 2020

Blog Post #10

 I could use the data collection tools to determine where I could improve on the teaching. For example, I could gather the data from the classes' test results and determine where the classes have lower understanding in general. Then, I could adjust my teaching lessons accordingly to teach the subjects more efficiently. This would help me further as I gather more data and adjust teaching lessons in my future career.  What I found interesting as I reviewed my classmates' blogs is that there are some students who used the blogs as if they are writing the blogs in real life, not just for the class assignments. For example, there are some students, including me, who used the default setting of the blog design. On the other hand, other students changed the designs for their blogs, exploring how they can make their blogs personal. I'm not saying the former or the latter is better, but I can see more personalized blogs are easier to grab readers' attention.  I would like to exp