
Showing posts from September, 2020

Blog Post #4

 One of the ELA technology standards for 9-10th grade students is to be able to incorporate various digital technologies in a presentation format to engage students and keep students' interests. I feel confident in my skill sets to meet this type of standard. For example, I'm quite familiar about presentation softwares, such as MS Powerpoint and Prezi. Also, I have used image enhancing softwares before, such as GIMP and Adobe Photoshop. Although, it would be a great idea to get familiar with video editing softwares, as remote classes become more accessible.  The tool I'm choosing from CPALMS website is a tutorial video/presentation for 9-12th grade math students. It is a tutorial video about function, and domain and range of such function. It shows definitions of the terms, and the examples of using each term. I would use this video, because it has a section "Prior Knowledge". It shows what a student should know in order to understand the concept of a function. Al

Blog Post #3

A copyright is a form of legal protection which protects intellectual property by limiting the use and distributive right to the owner of the said copyright. Fair use is a guideline set by Copyright Act of 1976 by which allows users of intellectual properties to use the said properties for nonprofit educational purposes within reason, without purchasing the licenses of usage. As a teacher, showing students how important to follow the guidelines set by the fair use of copyrighted materials is important, as pirating intellectual properties is very similar to plagiarism. In their academic path, the students will face the temptation of plagiarism, and I can try to guide the students away from such act by keeping the integrity of my behaviors from violating copyrights. There are several problems to technology implementation in classroom environment or distance learning program, such as academic dishonesty. There are lots of homework solution websites, such as Chegg, which make students le

Blog Post #2

  My experience using MS Word dates back to 6th grade when I came to U.S. It was the first time using such tool, since writing an essay was not part of a curriculum in South Korea. Since then, I've gotten used to the functions MS Word provides, from inserting pictures to inserting equations and symbols, as I'm a student in math. I prefer using MS Word, rather than other softwares. I've tried using others, such as Libre Office which is a free document editing software. However, since almost all of the tutorials or how-to insturctions on different types formatting, like APA or MLA, are on MS Word, it was hard for me to meet the requirement, such as headings and footnotes, using other sofwares, so I had to go back to MS Word.  To me, the most meaningful standard among the ISTE Standards for Educators is the Analyst. To me, the standard Analyst means that educators need to understand how to gather data and use data from various technologies available to help students learn. We

Blog Post #1

  Hello! My name is Min Kim. I'm a senior in Pure Mathematics major, minoring in Education. I'm from South Korea, but I got naturalized a few years ago. I'm graduating at the end of this semester, so I have some concerns about next year.   I think experiences of technology in education started around 6th grade when I moved to U.S. The first thing I remember is the overhead projector. In South Korea, we only used black or white boards, so it was a surprise to me. Since then, technology has become a part of my education from overhead projectors to various softwares in PC.  My personal learning networks are mostly through online. I watch Youtube videos a lot, for both my interests and education. Also, I use Reddit to see what events are happening around the world. On the other hand, I also sometimes ask parents for advices, so they can be considered offline personal learning networks. "illustrated math problem"   by  jimmiehomeschoolmom  is licensed under  CC BY-NC-S