Blog Post #3

A copyright is a form of legal protection which protects intellectual property by limiting the use and distributive right to the owner of the said copyright. Fair use is a guideline set by Copyright Act of 1976 by which allows users of intellectual properties to use the said properties for nonprofit educational purposes within reason, without purchasing the licenses of usage. As a teacher, showing students how important to follow the guidelines set by the fair use of copyrighted materials is important, as pirating intellectual properties is very similar to plagiarism. In their academic path, the students will face the temptation of plagiarism, and I can try to guide the students away from such act by keeping the integrity of my behaviors from violating copyrights.

There are several problems to technology implementation in classroom environment or distance learning program, such as academic dishonesty. There are lots of homework solution websites, such as Chegg, which make students less willing to do homework by themselves. Easiest solution to this problem is creating your own homework problems that are much less likely to be in those solution websites. Another problem is decreased productivity. Because students have to sit in front of computer, which can make students lose focus from the class lessons, the productivity could go down. A possible solution to this problem could be to parental-locking to certain websites and programs, which blocks students from accessing those during class period or designated time for studying.

While working on the newsletter design assignment, I’ve acquired a new set of skills. For example, I knew how to use the column function, but I didn’t know how to use multiple types of column in a single document. From now on, I can use this skill to elaborate my document, making it more appealing to look and read. However, there are points that could be improved in my assignment. Since I wasn’t familiar with Canva, I couldn’t find an appropriate size of template for the top banner. Hopefully, that won’t be an issue as I plan to keep using Canva throughout this semester, getting more familiar with the tool.


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