Blog Post #8

  I really enjoyed doing this assignment. It made me think of ways how I could best assist the students outside of the classroom environment. Also, a new skill I learned during the Web Page Design assignment is creating a class calendar. I knew there was a feature in Google Calendar to do so, but I've never actually done it. In my future career, I would be able to create multiple calendars for different purposes, such as class calendars for different classes, or calendars for the students' parents. Here is the link to my web page.

 A new skill I acquired about Diigo is how to respond to others' posts on Diigo. Now, I can review what others think about the posts, as well as, discuss with others on the page. This skill would be very helpful when I would teach the students how to find good online sources for their assignments, discussing among themselves whether the source is good or not. Also, individually, I would be able to discuss the integrity of the websites among colleagues and fellow teachers. 

 One of the websites I could use to explore the technology trends in education is Campus Technology. It's a web magazine with various articles that come out daily and monthly. It also has podcasts and webinars to inform the news about technology trends in education and interact with their readers. Although, it looks like the topics the magazine talk about are around higher education rather than K-12 education, so I might use different sources for the technology trends in education for my career. 


  1. Min, I really enjoyed your website design! The contrast of the background to the text makes the site very easy to read. The links at the top of the page are very clear and I had no issue of learning how to navigate to different pages of the website. I do feel the pictures could be aligned differently, though. Maybe shrinking them would make them easier to see. Great job overall!


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