
Showing posts from October, 2020

Blog Post #8

  I really enjoyed doing this assignment. It made me think of ways how I could best assist the students outside of the classroom environment. Also, a new skill I learned during the Web Page Design assignment is creating a class calendar. I knew there was a feature in Google Calendar to do so, but I've never actually done it. In my future career, I would be able to create multiple calendars for different purposes, such as class calendars for different classes, or calendars for the students' parents. Here is the link to my web page.  A new skill I acquired about Diigo is how to respond to others' posts on Diigo. Now, I can review what others think about the posts, as well as, discuss with others on the page. This skill would be very helpful when I would teach the students how to find good online sources for their assignments, discussing among themselves whether the source is good or not. Also, individually, I would be able to discuss the integrity of the websites among colle

Blog Post #7

  I've visited a publically accessible biology class website, called Mrs. Bones' Biology Class Website . Some of the information that is publically accessible includes class announcements, teacher contact information, and the flow of lesson plans. Some of the information that is restricted to public access is discussion forum which I believe is for the students registered in the class. For some reason, the webpage is not updated since 2013, so I can assume there has been some change in teacher employment information.  When I become a teacher, I think I would be using a webpage similar to the one I reviewed above. I would use Google Calendar or similar scheduling gadget to show when I would be available for students. Also, I would be putting additional resources, such as YouTube tutoring videos or problems from other books, which students can use to help themselves if they want. I would also put homework information and post the solutions with explanation after the due dates, so

Blog Post #6

  My initial experience about using Diigo is somewhat conflicting. On one hand, I liked that if I bookmark a webpage that is already bookmarked by other people, then my description of the webpage goes under the original post in the group page. On the other hand, I'm using an extension which pops up when I drag-highlight a text, and it is overlapping with the Diigo extension, making harder to use the annotation feature. I wish there is a function which temporarily disables the extension but keeps the extension enabled in the browser as a whole, so that I can switch it on and off whenever I need it without having to go to the extension page.  My experience of using blogging has been okay so far. It enforces me to try various tools that I've never used and would have never used otherwise. What I have a problem with is this specific blogging website. For some reason, my gadgets in the upper left corner are not fit for the given size of the corner, so it's not showing the whiole

Blog Post #5

  So far, my experience using Twitter has been very minimal. I've followed @STEMEduc because I would like to become a math teacher. Also, I've followed @EducationFL because I thought it would be helpful to know what's going on with education in Florida, such as knowing various education programs promoted by the government. I haven't been able to find the time to use Twitter Chat yet, but I'm sure it's helpful, as well. I think, because of informal structure of Twitter Chat, Twitter would be helpful in my teaching career if I would like to ask questions about education.  The digital divide is a gap between those who have access to technology and those who don't. It affects a student's success in school in a way that students who have access to technology have more resources to help the academics and those who don't would suffer from the lack of resources. I believe the main cause of the digital divide is the difference in socioeconomic status of stude